I’ve been fascinated by nanotechnology ever since high school when I first picked up a copy of Eric K. Drexler’s Engine of Creation. Not only did I find the concepts exciting as a science fiction gateway to what the future may hold, I also believe nanoscience to be a great hope of the 21st Century which will be remembered as a Materials Age.
My personal background is nearly as multidisciplinary as nanotechnology, as I have worked in electronics, telecom, mechanical repair, IT, electromagnetic consulting, nanoscience research and semiconductor failure analysis. But when I attended a local college while working on my electrical engineering degree, I had the rare opportunity to work at one of the oldest private nanotechnology companies in the world. (Zyvex which is now Zyvex Labs)
This is where I cut my teeth on scanning electron microscopes, nanoprobing, semiconductor failure analysis and ultra-high vacuum systems. Later I went on to do undergraduate research at the University of Texas at Dallas where I developed experience in cleanroom processing, lab management and nanocharacterization.
I graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering with honors from the University of Texas at Dallas along with a Minor in Nanoscience Technology. (An additional 27 credit hours in courses with a nanotechnology concentration)
Now I am in the process of attaining another degree in Biomedical Engineering and have taken advanced courses in Microbiology, Engineering Physiology of the Human Body, and Biomaterials / Medical Devices.
Also, I currently run an Electromagnetic / Biomedical consulting firm known as ScanTech Technical Consulting which performs environmental testing / troubleshooting for potential health hazards and equipment interference.
If you would like to get in touch with consulting or job opportunities, suggestions for nanoscience books, nanotechnology quiz questions or this blog, then feel free visit my LinkedIn account at: