Industrial plasma engineeringWorldCat•Read Online•LibraryThing•Google Books•BookFinder
I rank plasma science up there with biochemistry as one of the tougher subjects in the STEM fields to understand, and this book is the standard text for Plasma Technology at my university. It is well organized and thorough enough for all but the hardest core researchers, but is accessible enough for science undergrads to grasp and appreciate the many varieties and applications of plasma.
Illustrations of theoretical concepts and real-life industrial devices abound, there are numerous tables and graphs which make this a near reference grade resource, while the equations are well explained and documented in the context of the conceptual explanations.
But I would caution against just casually picking up this publication, or just handing it to someone and expecting them to understand the subject material by simply reading it cover to cover. At the least you need the guided structure of a class, or some easier to read supplementary material to help bridge the “Eureka!” gap as I call it if you want to take full advantage of the information within. That or you had better be VERY good with math and physics, particularly in the realm of electromagnetics.
Be aware that there is a 2nd Volume: Applications To Non-Thermal Plasma Processing, which is a continuation of this topic, but with a different emphasis.
ISBN 0750303174 – 339 pages $60 on Amazon Published January 1995