Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering 4th EditionWilliam F. Smith; McGraw-Hill 2005WorldCatLibraryThingGoogle BooksBookFinder 

Metallurgical Reference Book

ISBN: 0072953586     1032 pages    $100+ on Amazon (NEW) Published   2005 McGraw-Hill

This is the text I was alluding to in my review of McAllister’s Materials Science text in terms of a good supplementary text for metallurgy. While not quite as conceptually clear overall as McAllister’s and a bit lacking in specialty sub-topics such as biomaterials, corrosion, etc. it really does a better job in terms of being a more detailed guide to metals and alloys than the McAllister book.

McAllister is great at introducing the overall 50,000 foot view of how metals work at the nano, micro and macroscale, but Foundations has specific chapters devoted to steels, aluminum, and other non-ferrous alloys along with more detailed information on manufacturing methods and industrial processes.

For the beginning material scientist with a strong interest in metals, I recommend both texts and you can get both used for well under $50.

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